Horses cannot speak to us in words and so they communicate through body language and behaviors. Often horses can be blamed for being "bad" or troublesome when actually they are trying to avoid being ridden or handled due to pain and fear of pain. Here are some common signs that your horse might be in pain, and it is time to engage the services of a bodyworker to investigate.
Lameness or uneven gait: If a horse is experiencing pain, it may become lame or exhibit an uneven gait, favoring one leg over another.
Lack of appetite: Pain can cause a horse to lose their appetite or become reluctant to eat.
Reluctance to move: A horse in pain may be hesitant to move or may not want to move at all.
Changes in posture: A horse in pain may stand with their head lowered or may arch its back to try to alleviate the pain.
Aggression or unusual behavior: Pain can make a horse irritable, aggressive, or unpredictable.
Excessive sweating: Pain can cause a horse to sweat more than usual, especially if the pain is associated with exercise.
Changes in breathing: If a horse is experiencing pain, it may breathe more rapidly or shallowly than normal.
Flinching or sensitivity to touch: If you touch a painful area, a horse may flinch or show signs of discomfort, such as shifting their weight or trying to move away.
Changes in bowel movements: Pain can cause a horse to become constipated or have diarrhea.
Vocalizations: A horse in pain may vocalize more than usual, either through whinnying or groaning.
These signs of pain can have a significant impact on a horse's performance with a rider and overall health.
When a horse is in pain, it may be reluctant to move or perform certain movements, which can affect its ability to perform at its best. This can also put added stress on other parts of their body as they compensate for the pain. For example, if a horse is experiencing pain in their front leg, it may put more weight on its hind legs, which can lead to strain or injury.
The horse's general health can also be affected by pain. Chronic pain can cause stress, anxiety, and depression, leading to a weakened immune system and an increased risk of illness or injury. Additionally, horses in pain may become less active and eat less, which can result in weight loss, weakness, and fatigue.
It is essential to identify and address signs of pain in horses promptly to prevent long-term damage to their health and well-being. This may involve rest and rehabilitation, medication, or other veterinary interventions, depending on the cause and severity of the pain.